Countdown to Halloween! Page 2
Charlie Brown looked at her for a while and then said, “I’m not sure this really says ‘Halloween.’ ”
Sally went back into her room and put a sheet over her head. She stumbled out of her room.
Charlie Brown clapped. “That’s perfect!” he said happily.
But Sally didn’t feel perfect. She couldn’t see! Plus, she didn’t like ghosts, so how was she supposed to act like one for the entire night?
Sally went to sleep and kept thinking about what she wanted to be most in the world.
In the morning she knew exactly who that was. She put on her “costume” and went over to the kitchen for breakfast.
Charlie Brown came out in his mummy costume. He looked her up and down and asked, “Why aren’t you wearing your ghost costume to school? It’s Halloween! Who are you supposed to be?”
Sally pointed to the S initial on her sweater. “I’m Super Sally!” she said. “I thought about what you said, and there’s no one I would rather be than me!”
“Good grief!” said Charlie Brown.
But then he smiled. He thought Sally’s costume was super!
A Story for October 10
Lucy Surprises Schroeder
Last October, Lucy couldn’t wait for Halloween. The only problem was she couldn’t decide what her costume should be.
I’m always a witch, Lucy thought. How boring! Plus, this year I want to dress up as something completely different.
“I know what you should be, Lucy,” Linus told his sister. “You should dress as the Great Pumpkin!”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Lucy shouted. “I’m not going to dress up as something that doesn’t even exist!”
Schroeder was practicing the piano when Lucy stopped by.
“Schroeder!” Lucy said. “What should I be for Halloween?”
“Sorry, Lucy,” Schroeder replied. “I need to practice my new piano piece. It was written by the late, great Ludwig van Beethoven. One of the greatest composers of all time.”
“No one cares about Halloween but me!” Lucy yelled.
She left Schroeder’s house and went back home to think.
What can I be that will truly be the best costume ever? Lucy thought. I want to be something really great!
Suddenly, Lucy remembered something Schroeder had said.
Wait a minute! I can dress up as Beethoven! Schroeder said he is one of the greatest composers of all time! That means that I will have one of the greatest costumes of all time!
A few days later, it was Halloween.
Lucy couldn’t wait to show her friends her costume. Especially Schroeder!
Schroeder looked happier than Lucy had ever seen him. He had a huge smile on his face.
“Who are you supposed to be?” Charlie Brown asked.
“Are you dressed as my grandma?” Sally asked.
Suddenly, Schroeder spotted Lucy from across the room. He rushed to her side.
“This is indeed the best costume I have ever seen,” he said. “Lucy is dressed as the late, great Ludwig van Beethoven!”
Schroeder looked happier than Lucy had ever seen him. He had a huge smile on his face.
Lucy beamed. She was hoping Schroeder would recognize her very great costume and he did!
A Story for October 11
Pigpen Surprises Linus
Linus knew everyone thought it was silly for him to believe in the Great Pumpkin. But he knew someday there would be one Halloween when he would finally meet the Great Pumpkin and prove his existence to everyone.
But in the meantime, life was hard. He was going to miss out on Halloween parties. Again. He was going to miss out on trick-or-treating. Again.
Linus’s friend Pigpen was over for a visit. He was trying to cheer Linus up.
“Why don’t you just take a break from the pumpkin patch, just this once?” Pigpen asked. “If the Great Pumpkin is as nice as you say he is, I’m sure he’ll understand. Halloween only comes once a year, and I’m just saying, maybe you should think about, just this once—”
“Noooo!” Linus said, and he covered his ears with his hands. “Stop saying that!” Pigpen rushed out of the room.
A few minutes later, alone in his room, Linus decided the only thing that would make him feel better would be to write another letter to the Great Pumpkin right away.
Dear Great Pumpkin,
I am looking forward to your arrival. Soon you will rise out of the pumpkin patch and fly through the air. I have tried to be good all year long, and I hope that you will bring me lots of presents.
Suddenly, Linus heard someone cough. He turned around, and Pigpen was standing behind him, reading over his shoulder.
Linus braced himself, waiting for Pigpen to tease him. But then Pigpen said the most surprising thing Linus had ever heard.
“Will you put in a good word for me, too, Linus?” Pigpen asked. “I’ve tried to be good too.”
Linus broke out in a huge grin.
If Pigpen was starting to believe, anything was possible! Linus quickly put in a good word for Pigpen, and mailed his letter. He couldn’t wait for Halloween night.
A Story for October 12
Linus Has a Bad Day
Linus couldn’t understand why no one was interested in the Great Pumpkin. He walked up to a neighbor’s house and knocked on the door. The door opened and a woman answered.
“Good afternoon, ma’am,” Linus said politely. “I’d like to tell you about the Great Pumpkin!” The door immediately slammed in his face.
Linus took a deep breath and knocked on another door. This time a teenage boy answered.
Linus smiled brightly. “Hi!” he said. “Would you like to hear about the Great Pumpkin?”
“No!” the boy yelled, and he slammed the door too!
Linus sighed. I’ll give it one more try, he thought to himself.
He knocked on a third door. A little girl answered.
Once again, Linus smiled widely and said, “Hi! Would you like to hear about the Great Pumpkin?”
“Nooooooo!” the little girl yelled. She also slammed the door.
Linus decided to go home and write to the Great Pumpkin.
Dear Great Pumpkin,
I’ve been trying to tell more people about you, but nobody wants to listen. I had three doors slammed in my face today. But do not worry, I will never stop believing in you.
Your friend, Linus van Pelt
As Linus walked to the mailbox, he started to feel a little bit better.
Soon it would be Halloween, and he would meet the Great Pumpkin. And then all those people who slammed doors in his face would be sorry!
Linus walked up to the mailbox and dropped his letter in. He gave a happy sigh when all of his sudden his fingers slipped and…
Even the mailbox slammed in his face!
This just isn’t my day, Linus thought. Halloween better hurry up and get here fast!
A Story for October 13
Lucy and Rerun Are Good Siblings!
It was Rerun’s first Halloween ever, and he was all ready!
“Well, how do I look?” Rerun asked Lucy.
He stood in front of her in his Halloween costume. He was dressed as a cowboy.
“You look great!” Lucy said. “How do I look?”
She was dressed as a queen, and she touched her shiny crown.
“You look great too,” Rerun told her. “Very royal.” He held up a large bag. “Here’s the bag I’m going to put all my treats in.”
Lucy looked at the sack. She nodded. “That’s a nice big bag,” she said. “Perfect. Now don’t forget, when the door is opened, give them your biggest smile when you say, ‘Trick or treat!’ Hey, maybe you should tell them this is your very first time trick-or-treating! They may even give you extra candy. Okay, let’s go. But there’s one thing we have to do first. Follow me.”
Rerun followed Lucy into the pumpkin patch, where Linus was already waiting for the Grea
t Pumpkin.
“Linus, we’re going trick-or-treating. Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Lucy asked.
“No, thank you,” Linus said politely. “I’m waiting for the Great Pumpkin.”
Lucy rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she said. “But don’t expect us to share our treats with you! Come on, Rerun.”
As Lucy and Rerun left, Rerun suddenly looked at Lucy and broke out in a huge smile.
Lucy stared at him. “What are you smiling about?” she asked.
“Now I know why you keep telling me to get lots of candy,” Rerun said. “We’re going to give some to Linus, aren’t we?”
Lucy nodded. “Yes, you’re right,” she admitted. Then she looked at Rerun. “And if you tell anyone, I’ll tie you to a tree with your own lasso, cowboy!”
Rerun grinned. “Don’t worry, big sister,” he said. “I love Linus too. Your secret is safe with me.”
He lifted up his trick-or-treat bag. “Okay, now let’s go out and get some delicious candy for you, me… and Linus!”
A Story for October 14
Spreading the Word
Charlie Brown had just finished breakfast when he heard a knock on the front door.
Linus was standing on the porch with a determined look on his face.
“I really need your help, Charlie Brown,” Linus said.
He planned to go from door to door, telling everyone in the neighborhood about the Great Pumpkin.
But there was a problem. Linus was just one person, and there were so many houses to visit by himself.
That’s why Linus also really needed his friend Charlie Brown to help him out so that everyone in the neighborhood could hear about the Great Pumpkin.
Linus could visit all the houses on the left side of the street, and Charlie Brown could visit the houses on the right.
“But I’m no good at this kind of thing,” Charlie Brown said, shaking his head nervously.
“Please help me, Charlie Brown! People have to learn about the Great Pumpkin!” Linus begged.
“Okay.” Charlie Brown sighed and took a deep breath.
Then he walked up to the first house on the right side of his street. It was decorated for Halloween with big spiderwebs and mean-looking zombies.
Charlie Brown gulped and turned around. Maybe he would come back to this house later.
The next house was painted a pretty shade of blue, and a welcome sign hung on the door. This house seemed like a better place to visit first.
Charlie Brown smoothed his shirt and cleared his throat. He counted to three and then rang the doorbell.
“G-good morning,” Charlie Brown said. “I’m here to tell you about the Great Pumpkin. On Halloween night, the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch and brings toys to all the children in the world!”
Charlie Brown beamed. He did it! He had rung a doorbell and talked about the Great Pumpkin, just like Linus had asked him to do!
Charlie Brown turned around and walked away from the house.
Boy, was he glad that no one answered the door. That would have been embarrassing!
A Story for October 15
A Costume for Woodstock
Snoopy was getting a little impatient with Woodstock. Woodstock still hadn’t picked out his Halloween costume.
Halloween is one of the best nights of the year, Snoopy told him. You can dress up as anything you want! It’s fun!
Woodstock wasn’t so sure.
At first he tried a ghost costume, but no matter how much he cut the sheet, it was still too big, and he kept tripping over it. He tried a witch costume, but the broom was too heavy for him to carry all night. He tried a scary monster costume, but it was so scary, he frightened himself a little!
Snoopy, on the other hand, loved to dress up! He showed Woodstock a few of his favorite costumes.
He came out wearing a tuxedo and dark sunglasses. I’m a movie star! Snoopy said. Then he came out wearing a uniform and holding a baseball bat. Now I’m a world famous home run hitter, he told Woodstock. Snoopy came out of his doghouse a third time, holding a painter’s palette and wearing a beret and a smock. Now I’m an artist, he said. Would you like me to paint your portrait?
Then Snoopy came out of his doghouse one more time. He was wearing bathing trunks and carrying a surfboard!
Cowabunga! Snoopy shouted. I’m a champion surfer! It’s time to hit the waves.
Woodstock cheered. He thought Snoopy looked fantastic in any costume.
Snoopy sighed. I give up, he told Woodstock. I don’t know what else to tell you except to maybe think of something or someone you love, and then dress up as that for your costume.
Woodstock thought for a moment and then broke out in a huge smile. He went in Snoopy’s doghouse for a while, and then came out in his costume. He decided to dress up as someone he loved very much—Snoopy!
A Story for October 16
Dear Ms. Great Pumpkin!
Linus was discussing the Great Pumpkin again with Franklin and Sally. It turned out his friends were very curious about the Great Pumpkin.
“What do you think the Great Pumpkin is like?” Franklin asked.
Linus thought for a moment before answering.
“I’m sure he’s smart and kind,” he said. “And funny and thoughtful. I know whatever gifts he leaves for me will be just exactly what I want, because he wants to make sure every girl and boy who believes in him is happy.”
“What does he look like?” Sally asked.
“I’m not sure,” Linus said. “But I bet he has a great smile and kind eyes.”
“How old is he?” Sally asked.
“I don’t know,” Linus said. “But I think he’s been around forever, like Santa Claus. He’s ageless!”
“Do you think he’s handsome?” Sally asked.
“I don’t know that either, but it doesn’t really matter,” Linus said.
“I bet he’s not as handsome as you are, Linus,” Sally said dreamily.
“Oh, good grief,” Linus groaned.
Just then Lucy walked by. She had been listening to the entire conversation.
“Hmmm,” she said. She smiled mysteriously at all three of them.
“What do you mean by ‘hmmm’?” Linus asked Lucy. “What are you thinking?”
Lucy stared Linus straight in the eyes.
“You keep asking, ‘What does he look like, how old is he, is he handsome?’ ” Lucy said.
“So?” Linus said.
Lucy leaned in close to Linus’s face.
“How do you know the Great Pumpkin isn’t a she?” Lucy asked.
Linus, Franklin, and Sally all gasped!
“Ha! It never even occurred to you, did it?” Lucy said triumphantly as she walked away.
LInus couldn’t stop thinking about it. What if Lucy was right and the Great Pumpkin was a she? Linus decided to write a new letter, start it with “Dear Ms. Great Pumpkin,” and mail it right away. He wasn’t taking any chances!
A Story for October 17
Halloween Means Scary Stories
Snoopy and Woodstock were camping with the Beagle Scouts for the weekend. They went on a hike in the morning, took a nap by the lake in the afternoon, and then walked over to their campfire in the evening. There was nothing like spending time outside and enjoying the fresh autumnal air!
The scouts were roasting marshmallows over the fire and enjoying warm cups of hot milk. Everyone was happy.
Woodstock chirped at Snoopy. He wanted Snoopy to tell a spooky Halloween story.
Snoopy wasn’t sure. The scouts usually don’t like to get scared, he thought.
Woodstock kept chirping for a scary story.
Snoopy looked around at the scouts. He did think they looked a little too comfortable. He finally agreed and pulled out his trusty old book of Halloween stories. He had the perfect one—not too scary, but spooky enough to get into the Halloween spirit!
Snoopy cleared his throat and then began to read.
sp; Once upon a time, there lived an old dog named Shadow. He lived in a large doghouse next to an abandoned mansion. Every Halloween, Shadow locked himself up in his doghouse and didn’t dare to come out. He had heard stories of ghosts and goblins coming out of the mansion on Halloween night. He didn’t want to see them or for them to see him.
But on one Halloween, Shadow heard the crunch, crunch, crunch of leaves outside his doghouse. Just as he sat up, he heard a rustling on his doorknob…
Snoopy suddenly looked up from his book to find that the scouts were gone! Where is everyone? he thought.
Woodstock chirped loudly from behind, and as Snoopy turned around, he felt something heavy on his head. The scouts were crouched on Snoopy’s head, trembling.
I guess my story was too scary, Snoopy said. Okay, no more stories! Let’s toast some more marshmallows!
The scouts cheered!
A Story for October 18
A Misunderstanding
Linus and Snoopy were tired. They had been exploring different pumpkin patches all day long.
When they reached the last one, Snoopy immediately stretched out for a nap.
Who knew exploring pumpkin patches would be such hard work? he thought.
“I know you’re tired, Snoopy,” Linus said. “I’m tired too. But you know we needed to look at every pumpkin patch to make sure the one we chose was the most sincere.” He looked around the pumpkin patch. “I think we saved the best for last. This one looks perfect to me! What do you think?”
Snoopy looked up sleepily. I think this pumpkin patch looks like every other one we’ve looked at for the last three hours! he thought. But whatever made Linus happy was fine with him. Snoopy nodded.